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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Structural Genes, Junk DNA, and Regulatory Sequences

Over 98 percent of the genome is of unknown function. Although often referred to as "junk" DNA, scientists are beginning to uncover the function of many of these intergenic sequences—the DNA found between genes.

Structural Genes

Sequences that code for proteins are called structural genes. Although it is true that proteins are the major components of structural elements in a cell, proteins are also the real workhorses of the cell. They perform such functions as transporting nutrients into the cell; synthesizing new DNA, RNA, and protein molecules; and transmitting chemical signals from outside to inside the cell, as well as throughout the cell—both critical to the process of making proteins.

Regulatory Sequences

A class of sequences called regulatory sequences makes up a numerically insignificant fraction of the genome but provides critical functions. For example, certain sequences indicate the beginning and end of genes, sites for initiating replication and recombination, or provide landing sites for proteins that turn genes on and off. Like structural genes, regulatory sequences are inherited; however, they are not commonly referred to as genes.

Other DNA Regions

Forty to forty-five percent of our genome is made up of short sequences that are repeated, sometimes hundreds of times. There are numerous forms of this "repetitive DNA", and a few have known functions, such as stabilizing the chromosome structure or inactivating one of the two X chromosomes in developing females, a process called X-inactivation. The most highly repeated sequences found so far in mammals are called "satellite DNA" because their unusual composition allows them to be easily separated from other DNA. These sequences are associated with chromosome structure and are found at the centromeres (or centers) and telomeres (ends) of chromosomes. Although they do not play a role in the coding of proteins, they do play a significant role in chromosome structure, duplication, and cell division. The highly variable nature of these sequences makes them an excellent "marker" by which individuals can be identified based on their unique pattern of their satellite DNA.
Figure 3.  A Chromosome

Figure 3. A chromosome.

A chromosome is composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins that carry hereditary information. The centromere, shown at the center of this chromosome, is a specialized structure that appears during cell division and ensures the correct distribution of duplicated chromosomes to daughter cells. Telomeres are the structures that seal the end of a chromosome. Telomeres play a critical role in chromosome replication and maintenance by counteracting the tendency of the chromosome to otherwise shorten with each round of replication.
Another class of non-coding DNA is the "pseudogene", so named because it is believed to be a remnant of a real gene that has suffered mutations and is no longer functional. Pseudogenes may have arisen through the duplication of a functional gene, followed by inactivation of one of the copies. Comparing the presence or absence of pseudogenes is one method used by evolutionary geneticists to group species and to determine relatedness. Thus, these sequences are thought to carry a record of our evolutionary history.


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